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Celini J.

Blogger, Taste-maker

OH hi there! I'm Celini Jonker and I LOVE COOKING!! When I'm bored I cook, when I'm sad I cook, when I'm happy I cook... SOO you can see why I started to share my recipes with you!


I live in a very small village in Spain with my family. There's not much to do around here so, I have many time to experiment in the kitchen. If you don't find me in the kitchen cooking, I will probably be on my phone looking for some food inspiration and thinking about my new recipes!



Thanks for submitting!


B·healthy specializes in healthy recipes. Some years ago my diet was not that healthy... I ate many processed and unhealthy food and I didn't care. Then, one year ago I changed. I got informed, I saw many documentaries about nutrition and read a lot of articles. So, after realizing I could feel much better with myself in such an easy way, I started to follow a healthy lifestyle. Yes, that's right: A LIFESTYLE NOT A DIET!! 

My goal by sharing this recipes with you is to help you create a healthier lifestyle and to help you feel better without having the need to follow a strict diet.


SO, What are you waiting for? Find a recipe you like and get it started!!! 

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